- January 27, 2025Pierre Ceberio
Pierre Ceberio
OSWPs are able to identify existing encryptions and vulnerabilities in 802.11 networks. They can circumvent network security restrictions and recover the encryption keys in use. Skills learned include:
* Greater insight into wireless offensive security and expanded awareness of the need for real-world security solutions
* Using various wireless reconnaissance tools
* Implementing attacks against WPA Personal and Enterprise encrypted networks
* Understanding how to implement different rogue access point attacks
* Implementing attacks against Wireless Protected Setup (WPS) networks
* Using various tools to crack authentication hashes
* Implementing attacks against Captive Portals
The exam also demonstrates that OSWPs are able to perform under imposed time constraints.
Skills / Knowledge
- IEEE 802.11
- Packets and Network Interaction
- Aircrack-ng Essentials
- Cracking WEP via a Client
- Rogue Access Points
- Wireless Network Types
- Wi-Fi Encryption
- Wireless Protected Setup (WPS)
- Linux Wireless Tools, Drivers, and Stacks
- Wireshark Essentials
- bettercap Essentials
- Kismet Essentials
- Frames and Network Interaction
- Cracking Authentication Hashes
- Attacking WPS Networks
- Attacking WPA Enterprise
- Attacking Captive Portals
Issued on
January 27, 2025
Expires on
Does not expire